Lilly Quantum Leap Award

*Note:  Please use the "Apply for this position" to submit your application for the Lilly Quantum Leap Award*

The Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI) embarks on its second consecutive year of presenting the distinguished Quantum Leap Award. We are pleased to announce a collaboration with Eli Lilly and Company as our Quantum Leap Award sponsor for 2024-25.

In 2023, the IBRI introduced the Quantum Leap Award in partnership with Roche Diagnostics, marking a significant milestone in fostering innovation. This collaborative initiative is directed at catalyzing transformative scientific breakthroughs in the Indiana biosciences ecosystem that might not otherwise have materialized.

The translation of innovative ideas into viable ventures poses considerable challenges and risk for startup biotechs. Recognizing this, we have crafted a competition that surpasses mere provision of lab space; it aims to empower innovative scientific progress through enhanced capabilities and collaborative engagement.

The recipient of the Quantum Leap Award enjoys a comprehensive package: exclusive use of IBRI wet lab biology benches and workspace for a year, access to co-working desks with conference facilities, enrollment in our AXIS Mentoring Program, and a $50,000 grant to bolster research efforts.

Moreover, the Quantum Leap Awardee gains access to shared IBRI instrumentation and resources showcased in our state-of-the-art laboratory. Additionally, awardees benefit from the opportunity to:

  • Collaborate with the IBRI on its advanced scientific platforms, including small molecule, peptide and antibody drug discovery, bioinformatics, computational biology, advanced cellular pharmacology, and IPSC technology.
  • Utilize the IBRI’s innovative drug discovery laboratory facilities.
  • Access discounted pricing for licensing drug discovery platforms like the Schrödinger Suite of Tools and CDD Vault, as well as laboratory supplies.

This unique partnership with Eli Lilly and Company marks a pivotal step forward in advancing scientific excellence and innovation at the IBRI, reinforcing our commitment to transforming ideas into impactful solutions for the biosciences industry. In addition, Quantum Leap Awardees will gain access to mentorship by dedicated Lilly scientists and leaders who have expertise in areas related to the startup’s research focus.

Guidelines and Requirements

We prioritize startups specializing in therapeutics, diagnostics, or platform technologies. Applicants are required to complete application forms and submit 2 key documents.  Failure to do so immediately disqualifies them from consideration.

1.  Submit a non-confidential deck that includes the following key information:

  • Mission Statement: Clearly articulate the startup's core mission and its commitment to addressing significant medical challenges.
  • Leadership Team: Provide an overview of the leadership team, highlighting their qualifications and relevant experience in the field.
  • Funding Status (at time of application): Detail the amount of funding secured by the startup up to the application date, indicating financial backing and investor confidence.
  • Target Market: Define the specific market segment or patient population the startup intends to serve with its products or services.
  • Unmet Need: Describe the current gaps or unmet needs in the target market that the startup aims to address through its innovative solutions.
  • Scientific Progress to Date: Outline the scientific achievements and milestones reached by the startup thus far, demonstrating progress in product development or research.
  • Benefits of Acquiring the Quantum Leap Award: Explain how receiving the Quantum Leap Award would catalyze the startup’s growth and development, including access to resources, facilities, and expertise provided by IBRI.

2.  Submit a Letter of Intent to Transition into IBRI Facility: Provide a statement expressing the startup's interest and commitment to collaborating with and occupying laboratory space within IBRI, outlining how the partnership would be mutually beneficial.

This structured approach ensures that applicants provide comprehensive insights into their vision, capabilities, and alignment with the goals of the Quantum Award and IBRI’s research initiatives. The submitted materials will also be shared with our sponsored partner company (i.e., Eli Lilly and Company). We encourage applicants from previous years to resubmit for future award opportunities. Previous Quantum Leap Award recipients are not eligible to reapply for this award.

Scoring Guidelines

  1. Strength of Strategic Alignment: Evaluation of the extent to which the startup's mission, objectives, and technological focus align with IBRI’s strategic priorities, particularly in the realms of neurodegenerative or neuromuscular research, as well as diabetes, oncology, and immunology. This criterion assesses how well the startup complements IBRI's overarching goals and enhances collaborative potential.
  2. Scientific Innovation: Assessment of the novelty and scientific rigor of the startup's approach or technology. This includes the potential impact of the innovation in addressing significant medical challenges, such as advancing understanding or treatment modalities for complex diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, diabetes, cancer, or immune disorders.
  3. Company Feasibility: Examination of the startup’s operational viability and likelihood of achieving its milestones and objectives. This encompasses the strength of the leadership team, the depth of their expertise, the robustness of their business model, and the clarity and realism of their financial projections and commercialization strategy.
  4. Benefits of Resources: Analysis of the anticipated advantages and synergies the startup stands to gain from accessing IBRI’s resources, including state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, shared equipment, and specialized scientific capabilities. This criterion considers how these resources can accelerate the startup’s research and development efforts, potentially leading to quicker advancements or breakthroughs.
  5. Benefits of Space: Evaluation of the impact and utility of the physical workspace provided by IBRI, including wet lab biology benches, co-working desks, and conference facilities. This criterion assesses how the designated space supports the startup’s operational needs, collaborative opportunities, and overall efficiency in advancing scientific endeavors.

These scoring guidelines are designed to holistically assess each applicant’s alignment with IBRI’s mission, the transformative potential of their scientific innovations, the feasibility of their business operations, and the specific benefits derived from both the resources and physical space offered by IBRI.

Below is the timeline for the Quantum Leap Award, and please be advised that these dates and times are final: 

  • Applications close: September 30th 
  • Top 3 finalists notified: Early October 
  • Top 3 Virtual Presentations: October 28th, 1 PM – 2 PM EST 
  • Winner announced: Mid November 
  • Move-in date: January 1st, 2025